Saturday, August 26, 2017

A comparison of the women in the Hardy Tales

Rhoda in the tale 'The Withered Arm' and Phyllis in the story 'The Melancholy Hussar of the German Legion' are both very lonely women. Both of these women and have been mistreated by men, but none of them ever speak out for themselves to tell the men that their behaviour is unacceptable. Women who were treated by men were just expected by their fathers (if the husband is rich) to just keep quiet and be happy that they are financially supported.

Lennie and George

From the beginning of the film the audience gets the idea of the migrant worker. Lennie and George travel by fritting a train, which is the hobo way of travelling. The film also starts with the ending and then tells the weed story. Both the book and the film sustain the idea of Lennie and George being haunted therefore they are constantly on the move. The description of the bunk-house in the book is that there are no chairs, cracks on the walls and it seems more comfortable and less emphasis is made on the poor quality of the bunk-house in the book.